Heavy Hockey

I really enjoyed the creative challenge this project provided. Adaptive technology and out of the box thinking are two of my favorite parts of occupational therapy, which initially made me feel like there was a lot of pressure to produce a great idea. I had a whole list of ideas at first, but ultimately came to the conclusion that perhaps the best idea was the simplest one. By weighting the Parmesan cheese container with rice I already had in my pantry, I was able to create a fun, cheap activity that directly tied to the client's interests and occupational performance goals.

My family frequently found ways to re-purpose household items as I was growing up. The resourcefulness they taught me back then was extremely helpful for this assignment. It was exciting to see the pieces fall together and reinforced that a lot can be accomplished with a little creativity, OT knowledge, and duct tape. 

Therapeutic activities do not have to be expensive. There is no need to buy new or expensive equipment if you can make a similar product with items you already have that will accomplish the same goal(s). All clients deserve the chance to meet their goals regardless of socioeconomic status or resource availability. As I continue to learn and grow through OT school and into my career, I hope to become even better at finding alternative solutions for clients to achieve that "just right" fit. 

