Do You Even Lift (properly) Bro?
Learning proper posture and body mechanics is vital to ensuring the safety of both the client and therapist. Good body mechanics helps prevent injuries and allows for increased mobility, balance, and stability. For example, when lifting a load (whether an object or client) it is very important to have a wide base of support and lift with your legs by bending at the hips and knees rather than the back. It helps to keep the load as close to you as possible and pivot your feet to turn rather than twisting at the lower back. These steps help to avoid injuries from falling over or over-straining back muscles when lifting. Another example is when reaching for something up high, as in a cabinet, be sure to get a solid grip with your hands and use your arms and legs to avoid letting your back take on the full weight of the load. It is still better to keep the load as close to your body as possible because the further away it is, the more strain is placed on the lower back. Using step stools and reaching sticks when possible will also help avoid awkward postures that may lead to injury.
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