More Acronyms: ROM and MMT

Using proper procedures is important for both Manual Muscle Testing (MMT) and Range of Motion (ROM) tests to ensure you are recording accurate data. For ROM tests, bony landmarks are used to know where to align the axis and two arms of the goniometer. If someone was not aligning the goniometer with the correct landmarks, it may result in falsely recording a client's range of motion as more or less than it actually is, which might effect their goals and/or treatment. Accurate documentation is important for other health professionals with access to the same client's chart.  Positioning the goniometer this standardized way also increases inter-rater reliability because every therapist should be positioning it the same way. It would also similarly increase intrarater (same therapist) and test-rest reliability.

Manual Muscle Testing is used to determine weak muscles. To record accurate data for this test, the muscle or joint being tested must be placed in an optimal position for contraction (about mid-ROM). MMT can be performed in an Against Gravity position or a Gravity Eliminated position. If the client cannot complete the test in an Against Gravity position (perpendicular to the ground) this means they have less than a 3 out of 5 score on the MMT scale. They would then need to be placed into a Gravity Eliminated position (parallel to the ground) in order to look at just the movement with no resistance applied. This helps determine which category best describes their muscle strength to ensure proper treatment.
